The gift of a cactus


(Posted on 12 October 2018)

A few weeks ago a cactus outside my office started flowering. I hadn’t really noticed it until the day there was a bud and a full flower. I had seen and eaten cactus fruit before but never seen its flowers.

The day after I noticed them, it rained. The droplets and soft light after rain were just what I needed for the macro shots that I had in mind. I put one of the flowers as my profile photo on WhatsApp. My friend Esther asked about the photos, and when I told her the story of a cactus flowering outside my office, she was inspired to write a poem.

I thought the gift of the cactus flowers was delightful enough on its own. However, in its own extravagant way heaven keeps multiplying this gift.

The Unfolding of a new story

You only knew the Cactus

For her thorns

And admired her resilience

Under the desert sun.

Little did you know

She too could flower

Bright and elegant

In parched lands.

You only knew the Cactus

For her thorns

And never saw the mischief

Buzzing within her bulbous stems

Little did you know

That along with her endurance

Was a free-spirit

Waiting to amaze with its unfolding.

You only knew the Cactus for her thorns

Yet, here she is in full bloom

Sapphire pink and a crown of yellow

Outside your office window

A heavenly rose

Offered to you


From God's own garden:


To be touched

By her beauty.


To be enchanted

By her fragrance.


For the unfolding

Of a new story.

—For Phyllis Muthoni,

Poem by Esther Muthoni Wafula

Cactus flower_3.jpg